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Women’s Spaces Radio Show on KBBF-FM 89.1 with host Elaine B. Holtz and guest Veronica Jacobi, candidate for the 10th Assembly District, broadcast on 9/26/16, has been uploaded to the web archives.


Featuring Guest:

1. Veronica Jacobi, Candidate, California State Assembly, 10th District; former Santa Rosa City Council Member


Guests 1. Veronica Jacobi shares her  plan for representing the 10th District in the State Assembly, with emphasis on water sustainability, wildfire preparedness, and good jobs for good climate.

Guest Link: http://ronijacobi.com/


Elaine read two of her poems.


Music Selections: Suffragists: The Fight to Vote  (on YouTube)

A Change is Gonna Come by Leela James singing Sam Cooke’s song (on YouTube)

Masters of War by Julie Felix singing  Bob Dylan’s song (on YouTube)